Welcome to the home of the
Anaconda Community Foundation
Our mission is to build a permanent financial legacy for Anaconda through the generosity of its citizens and friends in order to develop and maintain a thriving community forever.
Keep wealth in Anaconda with your tax deductible contribution. https://anacondacommunityfoundation.org/donate-and-give-back/
Exciting NEWS!
Special Opportunities to Share
Thank you for sharing your time, talent, or treasure with our community.
Anaconda Backpack Program
Your donation can change lives. Low wages, job loss, and insufficient fixed incomes leave many families unable to keep food on the table while trying to afford the rising costs of housing, child care, and medical care. Limited access to food also contributes to hunger and food insecurity in Montana. Join us in supporting the Anaconda Backpack program
Tours to the Stack 2024
2024 Tours to the Stack
Supporting Anaconda Since 2007
The Anaconda Community Foundation helps our community respond to the challenges of our citizens, our infrastructure and our environment in a meaningful and effective way.
What People Are Saying
One by one, donation by donation, our community is being impacted by generosity.
I support the ACF because it positively impacts Anaconda 's present and future through annual grants to nonprofit organizations, business assistance, and the establishment of a permanent endowment fund.
Wini Stokke
Community Volunteer
Charlie loved Anaconda; his heart belonged to Anaconda and its people.
JoEllen Drescher
Although I have left my hometown of Anaconda, I send a monthly donation to the ACF because I care about Anaconda and appreciate all that the foundation does to make an impact.
Julia Mullen
AHS Class of '75
Anaconda Books and....The Melting Pot Cookbook!
The long awaited "Anaconda's Melting Pot Cookbook" is available! All book sales support the Anaconda Foundation and Anaconda's non-profits. You can find them at our office or order them online. Postage costs are high: additional postage is needed. Thanks for your support!